Monday, February 18, 2008

getting the hispanic vote

February 17, 2008


Hillary Clinton’s day in Wisconsin didn’t exactly go as planned with a snow storm striking, keeping her confined to the Milwaukee area. milwaukee021708.jpg But she did make the best of the cold, nasty weather, hitting the popular local diner, Katie’s, and then managing to indulge her taste in hot peppers.

In fact, an impromptu stop at the El Rey supermarket on Cesar E. Chavez Drive turned out to be a pepper bonanza.

Inside, was a bodega patron’s dream, with aisles and aisles stocked with various different ethnic Hispanic foods, and a really impressive produce section complete with cactus and more kinds of pepper than we could identify.

Spotting an opportunity, Clinton grabbed a plastic bag, and picked a few peppers.

Her absurdly competent and energetic aide Huma Abedin offered one to a FOX reporter, who gamely took a few chomps. When we found him, his ears were pink and there was a sheen of sweat popping out across his forehead.

- Michael McAuliff

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